This Week In Viral: 2012 and 2 New Films

Two upcoming movies have added viral websites this week: Terminator Salvation and Surrogates. Also, the viral site for 2012 seems to be fully operational, and Woody Harrelson is getting in on the viral for that film. More after the jump.

Terminator Salvation
This week brought the first viral site for the movie: So far it’s just a page that says “Skynet Research Is Coming” and asks for your email for updates. Definitely sign up in case they send some good info.

I hadn’t even heard of this film until the viral site was debuted. The site is fully functional, so go explore. It’s designed beautifully and I love the trippy music. The movie, based on a comic book, is about a future in which you can have a robot (that looks just like you) do all your work, and the site seems to be for the company which sells those robots. You can even design a surrogate yourself!

At the New York Comic-Con, models handed out business cards for the website, and the trailer was debuted. Check out the article from /Film for more info.

Lots of great updates in the past 10 days. The IHC web site is fully functional now, and it talks more about the potential disaster scenario, their mission, the lottery, and the prophecy in general. It has news updates as well, though the last one was from January 30th.

The character of Charlie Frost is making quite an impression too. He now has a website, a YouTube account, and a Twitter account. No updates since Super Bowl Sunday, but definitely keep an eye out. Charlie Frost appears to be one of those crazy hippies who think they are a prophet for the end of the world. Only this time, the prophet may be right. The videos and sites are a bit campy, but I’m sure that’s just part of his character.

As always, to discuss these virals in more detail, check out the forums!

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