Cleverfield Winner

Congratulations to Matt from our forum for winning our Cleverfield contest! Matt will be receiving a copy of Hancock on Blu-Ray. Read his entry after the jump.

This movie is basically an origin story, it mentions the viral and everything. It mainly focuses on tagruato vs. Tido. The battle eventually picks up to where Tagruato decides to use an animal they found under the sea, drilling for the slusho secret ingredient, against Tido, however there plan goes terribly wrong and the monster gets set loose on NY, and it will contain a sub plot, with Rob from the first film applying for a job at slusho. Yet another subplot would be the estranged relationship betwwen Jamie and Teddy. And thats only the first half! The second half of the story revolves around the aftermath of The Cloverfield Tapes leaking, the government tries to cover it up, but when the tapes are released, the government has to come clean and admit that they sacrificed Manhatten. This mainly deals with the reaction of the genral public to the cloverfield monster. In the end, the documentary team goes into the water to the coordinates of the Chaui Station to uncover the origin of the monster, when down there, they hear a roar and the tape cuts off.. In this treatment Greg Grundberg stars as Ganu Yoshida, wit Jake Gylenhaal as Teddy, and mainly unknowns for the documentary segment.

Check back for more contests in the future!

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