Both on our sister site District9news and our own forum, we mentioned over a week ago the billboard that showed up with the phone number to call if you see an aliens. When you call the number, it’s just an automated message where you can say whatever you want. The theory is that if you leave a message, they may use it in a future ad or something. If that’s true, it’s a good idea.
Recently, thanks to the reporting of Cominsoon.net, we know more of the same type of advertising has popped up. While each is tailored to the surface and location it’s posted on, they all demand you report non-humans, and the number to report them is the same. Here are a couple of the photos, but check out our forum to see them all and talk about it.
To my understanding, these are all in the Los Angeles area, so if you see any outside of SoCal, let us know. And take photos!