This Week In Viral: Week of 6/1/09

Only a few updates in this edition, and they are all on District 9, so this shouldn’t take long.

Christopher over at put a new blog up, albeit more than a week ago. In it, he complains about MNU’s rules and regulations, which he claims to be “intolerable.” From reading the ones he posts, we do get some insights into the alien race. For one, they reproduce by laying eggs. Also, they apparently smell bad and have unusual-sounding names, hence their simple human names. 

In Comic-Con District 9 news, Peter Jackson will be making his first appearance at Comic-Con ever, so we can be sure he’ll be promoting the film there. Also, there is currently a contest at IGN in which the winner can win a trip to Comic-Con to possibly meet the cast and crew of the film. Be sure to enter!

That’s it for this week’s TWIV. As always, our staff can only cover a fraction of the news, so to keep up-to-date, go to our Official Forum. Keep searching for viral, you never know where you’ll catch it.

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