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Viral Campaign for Disney’s “Tron” Sequel

A couple film blogs were sent these packages from a San Diego company known as ‘PMB’. Inside were these tokens:

That is, indeed, the same Flynn known as the ‘Home of Tron’ from the first movie. Also in the packages were thumb drives with these images, labeled as ‘4.gif’:

That is some very strange code in those images. Does anyone have any idea as to what it could mean?

But it doesn’t end there – this is where is gets good. The website JoBlo also received the same package, however their thumb drive had the image labeled as ‘3.gif’. I’ve also heard of someone receiving the package with ‘1.gif’, and the MovieBlog received image #2. I’m guessing that there were only 4 of these sent out, and they can now be decoded somehow. If you know what any of this means, by all means, contact us ( and let us know!

Disney is probably going to have an extensive viral campaign for Tron 2 at this year’s Comic-Con (which you can follow here!).

Special thanks to FirstShowing for the heads-up.

UPDATE: Current found pieces-

So far FirstShowing, JoBlo, UGO and /Film have received these clues. Apparently it’s out of five, and we’re still looking for “5.gif”.

Email us if you find anything on this interesting viral.

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