Nation’s Pride – Inglourious Basterds Viral

If you head over to Apple Trailers, you may see a foreign film posted in the trailers. Never heard of Nation’s Pride? It’s a WWII picture that is based off of Fredrick Zoller. Really? You never heard of it? Unless you’re up on your Tarantino, you may not have. This is a trailer that is actually from the film Inglourious Basterds. Fredrick Zoller being one of the characters from the film.

If you recall, there was talk of a section of the film being directed by Eli Roth. Well, this is it. From what I have been told, the trailer will not be used as an actual trailer, but more of a flashback type scene. They way them made it a trailer was pure Tarantino genius. A rather action-packed, Eli Roth sort of scene. Watch it for yourself:

Inglourious Basterds is set for realease in theaters on August 21st.

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