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Your TV show needs you! FOX Asks Fans to Campaign for GLEE

New FOX show GLEE has just launched a new competition asking fans to create their own viral campaign.

Using your social networks built through Twitter, Facebook, and MySpace, FOX will reward you every time you mention their new show during your status updates. By communicating through your own personal accounts you will in fact be creating buzz for the show. Smart idea! The chance to meet the cast of the GLEE is up for grabs as well as autographed photos, hats and shirts.

We’ve already seen that Facebook and MySpace have become standard outlets for new information on movies, tv, and music, but this new competition also shows us that companies are taking a bigger interest in the buzz a twitter account can create. Iron Man 2 is perhaps the first, with director Jon Faverou posting pictures of the set and characters from time to time through his own account.

Is this a bold move by the FOX network to bring viral marketing to a new interaction level? It’s certainly a fresh idea in terms of personal participation. You will be part of the campaign, spreading the word that is glee! How do you feel using your own network to create a viral for your favorite TV show or film?

You can go to to enter. Season 1 of GLEE premieres September 9th at 9/8c. You can watch the pilot and select clips at Hulu.

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