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New Surrogates TV Spot

With the release of Surrogates on September 25th, the advertising campaign is stepping up. We reported yesterday that a twitter account has been set up (@VSILabs) and they have recently made their first tweet directing you to the choose your surrogate on the website.

Today we have some new footage of the film courtesy of a TV Spot from Latino Review. Check out the spot below:

The viral for Surrogates has slowed down, but what they have done so far has got a lot of people interested. It’s a great concept, and hopefully it will stay true to the ideas presented by the comic book.

I’m looking forward to it, and with only 3 more weeks to go I hope to see more happening with the viral and the great looking websites they have made for this film.

In the mean time, watch the trailer and let us know what you think. Even though the viral has dried up are you still looking forward to the film? And why does James Cromwell always played a wild eyed scientist? Star trek: First Contact, I Robot, and now this!

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