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2012: First Clip

Our friends at HeyUGuys have a new clip from Roland Emmerich’s 2012.

Watch it here:


Gotta love that Bentley voice-activation plug, eh? Other than that, I think I can safely say that we’ve never seen a destruction/apocalypse movie like this before. Emmerich went ice-age style with The Day After Tomorrow, invasion style with Independence Day, but nothing like this. This looks insane. The guys at ILM really did an amazing job on everything we’ve seen so far.

What do you guys think? Leave your thoughts in the comments below!

2012 is in theaters everywhere on November 13th, 2009.

Our own Scott Caldwell is running for the leader of the post-2012 world leader! Become one of his advocates here! For more information on the 2012 viral campaign, check out our 2012 Page.
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