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We Are ODST – New Halo Game Viral

Do you love bees? This is the question Bungie wanted to know the answer too when they kicked off their viral campaign for Halo 3. Headed by one of our favourite advertising groups, 42 entertainment, the Halo 3 campaign was one of the most successful game virals ever.

Well, It looks like Bungie is at it again with Halo: ODST. First thing to do is check out this BAD ASS live action trailer entitled We Are ODST:

The live action trailer is directed by Rupert Sanders, who according to first showing, is set to direct Leonardo Dicaprio in his next film. This director could be one to watch on the strength of this trailer, and we all know what happened to Neill Blomkamp, director of the short films created for Halo 3.

Once you’ve watched the trailer, head on over to the ODST main page where you will be able to view interviews with 3 of the Halo world characters, Dutch, Romeo and Mickey.

As you watch the trailers you will find certain points of the interview that require authorisation codes. These auth codes will get you access to the “classified” parts of the interviews and also, a 4th code will reward you with some wallpapers for your system. I’ve found the codes already, but I don’t want to spoil the fun for you.

This is made me even more excited about the game, and surely, based on the great live action clips by Blomkamp and Sanders, they NEED to make a Halo Movie!

Are you looking forward to the game? Do you think a live action film will be a good thing? Comment below.
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