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Fan-made District 9 Sites

UPDATE: is now live! Just like I thought, it has a soundboard of Wikus and our favorite lines from the film (including alien speech). The site even has T-Shirts to buy, so check it out!

What is the ultimate type of viral marketing? Getting fans to do the advertising for you! We already saw how the TV show GLEE created a contest to get fans to promote the show for them, and now it looks like District 9 is getting the same response, but without the studio having to ask for it.

District 9 was released last month in the US, but the buzz around it has stuck after all these weeks, as proven by it’s spot in Twitter’s trending topics every weekend. One of the favorite parts of the film, at least on our forum, has been Wikus and his South African accent. Well, it seems like it’s not just the forum who has become enamored with the character:

Forum members Sajin and Kris found two new District 9 inspired fansites called and (respectively). has yet to officially launch, but a Google Search shows that it may be a soundboard for Wikus and/or the aliens. I can see people having a field day with this.

The site that really got our forum excited, however, is, where you can find and create image mashups of Wikus. Here are some hilarious examples:

Check out the site for even more hilarity. Obviously the viral nature of the film (both in its marketing and the talk after its release) has caught on. If you find any more District 9 fansites that are as interesting as these, let us know!
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