What Do You Want to See in an Avatar Sequel?

With the new year upon us, it’s natural to start looking ahead, so of course the potential of an Avatar sequel is the buzz of the town. I’m sure that the film’s record-breaking second weekend has something to do with it too. Will there be a sequel? What will it be about? Well, we have a few answers for you.

First of all, all signs point to a sequel being made. Obviously there’s the money to consider, which I assume will end up being more than the GDP of many small countries, especially since this film has already passed the $1 billion mark. Now that the technology used for filming has been created, making the sequels should be easier and cheaper. More importantly (for fans, not executives) is that there is much more of this story to tell. There is still much more to explore in the world of Pandora and the entire setting director James Cameron has created.

Cameron himself has admitted to wanting to do more with Pandora and its inhabitants, but don’t expect a prequel of any kind. In fact, he’s looking to make a trilogy that follows Jake and Natiri. Here’s what he said to MTV News:

“I have a trilogy-scaled arc of story right now, but I haven’t really put any serious work into writing a script,” he said.

So, what would we see the blue couple do? Well, you can already see them get it on when the DVD comes out, so don’t expect that. Cameron may explore more of the planetary system Pandora is part of. You may remember from the film that Pandora is actually one of several moons orbiting a large planet. There’s enough material to explore those other moons and maybe the planet itself. There’s also talk of exploring more of Pandora itself, as we haven’t seen the entire planet, especially the oceans.

With the option of a prequel gone, that most likely means we won’t be seeing humans too much. It’d be interesting to see the backstory as to what happened with Earth, and even the continuing story of what the humans will do now that they need to find a new source of energy.

So, what would you like to see in sequel(s) to Avatar? Thanks to “The H” from the forums for the info.
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