If Shakespeare Wrote The Big Lebowski…

Have you ever wondered what The Big Lebowski would be like if a Shakespeare wrote it? Well, wonder no more, because your wildest dreams are now a reality. Filmmaker Adam Bertocci runs the website Run Leia Run, which usually sticks to creating Star Wars fanfare. Thankfully, he reached outside the box and created this downloadable gem, which is a complete script for a Shakespeare-like play for the Coen brothers’ cult classic The Big Lebowski.

The play is titled “Two Gentlemen of Lebowski”, and though I’m no Shakespearean expert, it looks pretty authentically recreated to me in terms of play structure and dialogue. Check it out for yourself and let us know what you think.

The fact he did this all by himself is impressive enough for me. The site even has a FAQ and details for producers looking to stage the play. I would love to see this done by a professional theatre group, because I think it would be a lot of fun. However, as he mentions, there might be some rights issues involved. Would you pay to go see “Two Gentlemen of Lebowski”?

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