Caprica: Do Androids Dream Of Electric Tweets?

If, like me, you are a fan of Battlestar Galactica, you will have no doubt tuned in to watch the latest SyFy Spin Off show Caprica. Caprica takes place before the events of Battlestar Galactica and details the creation of the Cylons by Dr Graystone, played by actor Eric Stolz. The show premiered on the 22nd and has created a lot of buzz.
SyFy has now created a Twitter account for one of the show’s characters, Serge, which gives some inside hints to the show, and who seems very happy to answer your questions about him and the show. It looks like it will worth watching for future news and hopefully a viral campaign.

Take a look at @SergeGraystone, the robotic butler to the Graystone family, as well as the actress Alessandra Torresani (@BambolaBambina),who plays the main Cylon / Human character Zoe Graystone. Serge’s responses are pretty witty, so it’s definitely a good read.

Sorry, no. But I can operate a toaster. Would you like some toast? RT @Barber_Greene I think you are nothing but a frakking toaster.

Have you watched Caprica? What did you think? Does it live up to the critically acclaimed Battlestar Galactica? Leave your thoughts below.
Caprica can be seen on SyFy every Friday at 10:00 PM.

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