Joss Whedon To Do Comic-Con Documentary

Ever wonder what a Comic-Con fanatic does to prep for the big day every year? Well, now you’ll get to thanks to a documentary being made by Joss Whedon and award winning director Morgan Spurlock. Find out more after the jump.

Geek god Whedon (Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Serenity) is teaming up with documentary director Spurlock (Super Size Me) to make a documentary that follows around Comic-Con “superfans” both at the event, and in the three months leading up to it. E! Online, who originally broke the story, couldn’t get much more information about it. Spurlock and Whedon both have experience at the convention, as Whedon is often there for panels, and Spurlock shot some of his Simpsons documentary there last year.

The question is, will be this be a movie that celebrates the fandom, or one that takes a cynical view on it? Whedon is known to appreciate his fans and to create projects that are tailored to them, but Spurlock has been known to ruffle feathers (see: Where in the World Is Osama Bin Laden?).

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