Tron Legacy Trailer to Premiere Online Next Week

In what’s becoming our daily Tron Legacy update, MTV has confirmed that the much anticipated first trailer (not including test footage from last year) to the film will be debuting online next week. Many thought it would be this week, thanks in part to four images from the trailer being released this Monday through Thursday. So, why the delay? Find out after the jump.

If you’re dying to see the trailer, don’t fret. You CAN see it this weekend by going to see Disney’s Alice in Wonderland in 3D, out today in theaters. Legacy director Joseph Kosinski told MTV that essentially the reasoning for the delayed online trailer release is that since the trailer is in 3D, audiences should really see it in that format first, then download it. While I understand the logic, it’s still disappointing. This is quite good cross-promoting from Disney.

So, are you upset that you won’t see the trailer until next week? Or will you suck it up and buy a 3D ticket to Alice in Wonderland? If you already saw the trailer, let us know what you thought of it in the comments below.

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