Update: J.J. Abrams’ Super 8 Is Not Related to Cloverfield

Yesterday we reported that a secret teaser trailer would premiere before Iron Man 2 this weekend. There are very few details on the J.J. Abrams-produced movie, currently titled Super 8, but we know that the trailer itself is being directed by Abrams. There was speculation, and even a timid confirmation, that the movie would be connected to Cloverfield. It turns out that is not the case, as you’ll find out when you hit the jump.

Vulture, who broke the story that Super 8 is “absolutely connected to 2008’s Cloverfield (possibly a prequel, but not a sequel)”, actually caught up with Abrams at the 2010 Time 100 Gala and asked him about the rumor. Here is what he had to say.

“You have to check [out the trailer],” he told us. “But it has nothing whatsoever to do with Cloverfield, despite your expert reporting.” So what does it have to do with? “I won’t be able to tell you until it’s done,” he said.

This is definitely a stab in the heart of us Clovey enthusiasts, but I’m still excited to see what this mystery movie is. How about you?

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