Newsweek + Contra = ZOMBIES!

I have no idea what this is for, why it was done, or who would even bring back a video game code from the dea….. oh my god! It all makes sense. Somewhat. I would be curious to know how the following info was leaked to the the Twitter public, and at this point, whomever did it, should pat themselves on the back solely based on its pure genius. Read more for a historical attack on one of the largest news outlets.


For all of you classic video game buffs out there, there is one code, and only one cheat code that will reign supreme in your head. I would almost guarantee that the younger crowd even knows the code. It’s the extra lives code for Contra!

What in the hell does this have anything to do with Newsweek? We have no idea. But we know it has something to do with zombies. Just in case this is a fluke, take a look before it’s gone.

So. What in the name of all that is undead does that mean? Is it a hack? Is it something on its way? Or is it as simple as a Google doodle? The world may never know. Just know that “Patient Zero” is a possible name to look out for.

While you’re trying to figure this out, have a listen to another piece of Contra-band. The Deftones with “U U D D L R L R B A Select Start

YouTube Zombie Attack:

Hack or not a hack. That is the question. Let us know what you think.

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