Two weeks ago, a chat icon appeared on the STIES desktop toolbar, and last week, we learned that Josh and the mystery man were planning to talk. Now we know (thanks to Super 8 News) that the two have had a chat, so what was said and what did we learn? Get the latest details on the Super 8 viral campaign after the break.
First of all, you may be wondering how we got past the password that comes up when you click on the chat icon. Somehow people figured out the password was toadfish112. Toadfish makes sense since it makes a foghorn-like sound (the term ‘foghorn’ should right a bell), and its featured on Josh’s blog. Also, in post #112 Josh says “Well, that wa unexpected”. How someone figured out that the post had relevance is beyond me. Either way, below is the chat log that comes up.
While the chat was relatively short, we did figure out some things. Josh doesn’t know his father, but he is apparently still alive and needs to be found. His father left behind a canister of film, which may show evidence of the alien/monster, if not the creature itself. However, his dad may have hidden something that Josh doesn’t know about. The picture of the men in front of the hangar could be at Area 51, and who knows what’s in the metal cylinder.
As Super 8 News mentions, this at least confirms that Josh and his blog are in-game. Let us know if you figure out anything else from this chat, or if you have any theories.
Super 8 is a sci-fi thriller from Paramount Pictures being produced by Steven Spielberg and J.J. Abrams, set to be released next summer. While there is no official plot description or confirmation of any story lines, the presumed plot is to be about kids in the late 1970s either finding or filming footage of a creature (most likely an alien from Area 51). The film takes place in the fictional Littleton, Ohio and is being shot in Weirton, WV. Find out more about the viral campaign on our Super 8 Viral Page.