Viral Video Round-Up: Dazed and Confused, Star Wars, Stanley Kubrick, Optimus Prime, and More

We’ve scoured the darkest realms of the world wide web to find the funniest, coolest, and sometimes even most poignant videos on the Internetz. See all our findings after the break, which include a tribute to fictional bands, as awell as a Black Eyed Peas parody involving a certain transforming big rig.

Mac Lethal, a rapper from Kansas did a two minute rap recap of the classic Dazed and Confused. [via GeekTyrant]

Star Wars mega-fan Jambe Davdar created an impressive fan-made real-time documentary about the first film, titled “Star Wars Begins”. It’s an interesting mash-up of audio commentary that follows the film and behind-the-scenes footage. Below is part one.

Check out this two-part tribute to fictional bands in film history from YouTuber MoPapparani. [via /Film]

This may seem like a simple gang fight at first, but keep watching and you’ll see it take a great nerdy twist. [via Cinematical]

Stanley Kubrick is one of the most legendary directors of all time, and Richard Vezina edited together a tribute video to honor the late Oscar winner. [via /Film]

Finally, we have a music video parody of the “The Time (Dirty Bit)” by the Black Eyed Peas. It stars Optimus Prime of Transformers and was made by The Screen Team Show.

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