‘Cloverfield’ Sequel Will Happen…Eventually

The seed that began MovieViral was the J.J. Abrams-produced Cloverfield. While we never got a chance to cover the film’s viral campaign as part of this website, we have been following the much-rumored sequel since our birth. Now director Matt Reeves confirms that a sequel is indeed in the works.

We’ve heard from Reeves, Abrams, and even writer Drew Goddard countless times about how they’re working on the sequel (i.e. here and here), so you may be numb to this news by now. However, Total Film recently talked to Reeves, who sounded a bit more sure of the film’s potential.

We asked the Cloverfield and Let Me In director what was going on with Cloverfield 2, and he told us: “Well, you are going to see it – we just don’t know when [laughs].”

Reeves sights trying to develop a good story and everyone’s busy schedules as being the key to the sequel’s delay. Read the full article for a few more comments from the director about trying to keep the sequel fresh. Will you still be excited for Cloverfield 2 if it takes a few more years to make?

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