I Can Has April Fools?

Once again April Fools has taken over the Internet, both in predictable and unexpected ways. Here are just a few online gags we’ve found in the early hours of Christmas For Trolls (trademark name pending).


Last year it was Justin Bieber, and this it’s Rebecca Black taking over the comedy site, re-titling it “Friday or Die”. There are several articles and videos about the viral hit, including some that star the 13 year old overnight sensation herself. Check out one of them below, a take on the VH1 Behind the Music specials.


I don’t remember if Hulu has participated in April Fools before, but this year they done good by going full-on 90s. The entire layout is like the old web designs of that time, and the “new” uploads are clips and episodes of media from the 90s like Sliders, News Radio, and Dave Matthews Band’s “Crash Into Me”.


It’s subtle, but if you take a close look at the site’s logo, you’ll notice something is missing.


Per usual, the geeky online shop has created a bevy of fake products for you to purchase, including my favorite, Lightsaber Popsicles.


One of the few film blogs I know of that plays along each year, this time around FSR has gotten itself a boner for Michael Bay’s Armageddon. Along with a great new background and replaced images, we get some funny articles like two contradicting each other about whether or not a sequel is being made.


YouTube has also blasted to the past, becoming YouTube 1911, featuring several old videos from that year or before, and even creating a “1911” button for each video that will turn the video sepia, mute it, and put old timey piano music over it like an old silent film. Take a look at the video they uploaded today that mimics some of the current memes.

Which of these April Fools jokes/pranks do you like best? Let us know in the comments below, and tell us if you find any other good ones!
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