The #Super8Secret Revealed!

Last Thursday, a new viral website popped up for J.J. Abrams’ sci-fi film Super 8 that begged the question, “What is the #Super8Secret?” With the film already shrouded in mystery, this seems like an odd addition to the viral campaign, but we waited impatiently until the secret was rumored to be revealed today at Noon Pacific time. Fortunately, that rumor was true.

The secret is that there will be screenings across the nation tomorrow hosted by film blogs and possibly other entities. We’ve so far heard about one in Austin from AICN, one in San Francisco, and one in Los Angeles from FirstShowing and /Film. I’m sure there are more, so check out, enter the password MINT (whenever the site is back up and running; it looks to be on hold for now), and see where you can go to a screening!

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