Viral Video Round Up: Woody Allen, Terminator 2, The Rocketeer, The Matrix, Transformers, and More!

The Internet is full of videos related to movies, whether they be fan made, studio made, or somewhere inbetween. We regularly bring you the best, most interesting, or just plain weirdest, and today we do it again. Check out the latest viral videos after the break.

Woody Allen likes to insert a character like himself in all his films, and Film Drunk has a video to prove it.

DirecTV has created what I’m assuming is a fake trailer for a show called Football Cops, starring NFL quarterbacks Eli and Payton Manning.

I really don’t know how to explain this video except to say that it’s a tribute to the 20th anniversary of Terminator 2.

Another fake leaked trailer for The Dark Knight Rises from YouTube account TheKnightIsRising.

I love Disney’s The Rocketeer, so I also love this video from John Banana that re-imagines the live action movie (which also is celebrating its 20th anniversary) as a Pixar film.

Best Buy had a pretty cool fan event for the Blu-Ray release of The Lord of the Rings trilogy.

Check out this mash up of Conan O’Brien and Conan the Barbarian (via /Film)


This compilation from Pajiba proves that Hollywood loves to blow up bridges.

Is The Matrix better with an a cappella soundtrack? Decide for yourself in this clip from Matt Mulholland.

Someone thought it’d be a good idea to put audio from Monty Python and the Holy Grail over footage from Fight Club.

It may just be a promotion for Red Giant Software, but this short film (which shows off the software’s abilities) is pretty entertaining. [via /Film]

You may already know that Michael Bay movies are pretty similar. This video from College Humor proves it in under a minute.

Here’s a cool sci-fi short film from Corridor Digital.

Speaking of Michael Bay, Transformers: Dark of the Moon opened last week, and someone noticed that some of shots in the film were actually taken from older Bay films. [via /Film]


To promote the upcoming Rise of the Planet of the Apes, 20th Century Fox has been posting videos of real apes showing human-like qualities, including this one that shows chimpanzees might have a better memory than humans.

The cast of Hipster Shore are back to provide an Independence Day PSA.

We all know that No Strings Attached and Friends With Benefits are basically the same movie. Here’s a mash up video to drive the point home.

YouTube celebrity Shane Dawson posted an interactive adventure that spoofs the Final Destination series.

That’s it for this edition of Viral Video Round Up. Leave us a comment with your suggestions for next time!

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