M Night Shyamalan Joins Twitter and Facebook

Facebook and Twitter are a vital part of any viral marketing campaign, and as such writers, directors, and sometimes castmembers can help in the process. Now twist extraordinaire M Night Shyamalan is joining the promotional fun. Two years ago, the writer and director opened the doors to his world via his personal website ,, now he has given his fans more ways to interact with him through Facebook and Twitter.

Now that the Shyamalan’s reputation is at an all time low, interaction with the film community and audiences may be just the thing he needs to reestablish connections with any weary fans or those that have lost faith in his projects. M Night Shyamalan will be able to take advantage of social media, the way Peter Jackson has, but constantly updating the status of whatever project he may be working on. So far it has worked for Jackson, but his career isn’t exactly in the toilet like Shyamalan. So we’ll just have to hope that social media works for Shyamalan. Cause he knows it will take more than just a status update or 140 characters to fix his reputation.

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