“The Devil Inside” Ends With a Link, and Fan Screening Gets First Hand Possession

While the reviews for this weekend’s new horror film The Devil Inside have been mixed at best, there is one thing most audiences have been unhappy about: the end. Get the details about the unusual ending for the found-footage exorcism thriller after the break, as well as how one audience got to witness their own possession in the theater.

The Devil Inside is a mockumentary set in 2009 about Isabella Rossi (played by Fernanda Andrade), who finds a Catholic pastor to perform a series of unauthorized exorcisms on her mother, Maria Rossi (Suzan Crowley). 20 years earlier, Maria had committed a triple murder while being exorcised. Unfortunately, during this set of exorcisms, which are being filmed for scientific purposes, things go terribly wrong. The marketing acts like this is all real, claiming the video is the only evidence left of the exorcisms, and the Vatican doesn’t endorse the film.

Just when the movie looks like it is going somewhere, it ends with a link to a website to learn more about the case. The Rossi Files is full of video embeds from the film’s YouTube channel that show various videos of Maria in a mental hospital, Isabella as a child, and more. There are also in-world character bios and several links to the Vatican and sites about exorcism. Check it out for yourself and let us know what you think.

I haven’t seen the movie myself, so I don’t know how abruptly it ended or if the website helps give closure where the film did not. Did you see The Devil Inside? What did you think of the ending?

In other news, there was a fan screening for the film Thursday night in Los Angeles, and the audience got more than they bargained for. See for yourself below.

I think I would have freaked out if that happened in front of me.

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