Strange Noises Heard Around The World Could Have Scientific Explanation

Earlier this week, we reported on a phenomenon sweeping the Internet in which strange noises were heard around the world. These roars/groans from the sky are a bit frightening, which may have contributed to videos of the occurance flooding YouTube (along with many hoaxes). While we considered the idea that the sounds were some kind of marketing ploy, we now have at least one scientific explanation that might resolve this issue. Find out after the jump.

I was surfing YouTube last night when I found the video below. It’s a news report from Canadian channel CTV that talks about the sounds.

The professor in the clip explains that the sounds are coming from the Aurora Borealis (aka the Northern Lights) causing electromagnetic noise within nearby environmental antennas. It sounds a bit like the Roswell weather ballon explanation to me, especially since these noises have not been heard before (at least not recently, since this is the first time the Internet has been up in arms about it). What do you think? Is this a good explanation?

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