Fan Made “John Carter” Trailer Actually Makes Sense of the Film

Are you excited for Walt Disney Pictures’ epic sci-fi film John Carter? Chances are that you aren’t, and that might be due to Disney’s marketing campaign, which has done a less than stellar job creating positive buzz. One of the big issues is that the film’s plot and characters are not explained well in trailers. One fan made trailer looks to solve that problem. Watch it after the break.

The film is based on the Barsoom series by Edgar Rice Burroughs, which features “John Carter of Mars”. Carter is actually a Virginian living in the late 19th century who is mysteriously transported to Mars and ends up fighting in their civil war. The official trailers have muddied the concept a bit in lieu of showing big action sequences. Disney might be assuming fans already know the story of John Carter, but the 100 year old series has not transcended generations the way The Lord of the Rings and other older sci-fi properties have.

The guys over at The John Carter Files created a fan trailer from released footage to fix this problem, and it is quite impressive. This actually makes me want to see the film when it comes out on March 9th.

Source: /Film

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