Oscorp Website Found for “The Amazing Spider-Man”

While everyone’s focus may be on the event happening tomorrow afternoon, we have another update to The Amazing Spider-Man viral campaign beforehand. The website for Oscorp Industries has been found. Get the details after the break.

If you have seen the other Spider-Man films, you should remember Oscorp as the company created by Norman Osborn, the father of Peter Parker’s best friend Harry Osborn. The information we have on the new reboot suggests neither the Osborns nor Oscorp are featured as prominently this time around, but this year’s WonderCon confirmed there would be some significant connection when Oscorp badges were given away. Now we have an actual website for the company,, though right now it just has the company’s logo.

Thanks to my Twitter friends Fight4TheUsers and GuestUser17 for first bringing this to my attention and confirming the site’s legitamacy (it’s owned by Sony, parent company to Columbia Pictures). Hopefully the events tomorrow spark a change in the site, as the film is now less than 2 months away from opening in theaters.

To catch up on all our coverage, be sure to check out our The Amazing Spider-Man Viral Hub.

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