Horror Short Stories On Reddit To Become Movie

/r/nosleep is a subreddit on the social news website Reddit where people can submit their original scary stories. About a year ago, one Redditor named 1000Vultures began submitting a series of short stories that got a lot of attention. Now, the series, retroactively titled “Penpal”, is being made into a movie by producer Rich Middlemas. Get the details after the break.

1000Vulture, real name Dathan Auerbach, revealed the news yesterday that Middlemas, producer of the Oscar-winning documentary Undefeated, had contacted him to turn his series into a movie. Auerbach had used Kickstarter to turn his six short stories into a novel, which was published on Amazon. The novel is currently ranked #359 in sales on the online retailer. At the moment, Middlemas is still shopping the book around Hollywood, so there’s a long ways to go.

In responding to comments to his news, Auerbach confirmed that he was planning to do a new series. To learn more about Penpal and purchase merchandise, check out Auerbach’s official website. You can read all six stories in the series in the links below.

1. “Footsteps”
2. “Balloons”
3. “Boxes”
4. “Maps”
5. “Screens”
6. “Friends”

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