Simulate Your Own Star Wars Sequel Debacle

Are you worried that the next Star Wars movie will be as terrible as the prequels? Well, here’s your chance to prove you know better. The Gameological Society’s Play-the-Year 2012 retrospective includes a Star Wars sequel simulator that can tell you how well your choices pan out. Get the details after the break.

The Star Wars: Sequel Debacle Simulatron is a simple in-browser flash game that has you choose a writer, director, and star for a Star Wars film. Then, you move the scale to decide what percentage of action, epic sci-fi, comedy, and romance you want. This all decides the production’s cost. Finally, choose a title, and launch your film. The results show you how well you did financially and critically. See the results of my epic “A Fistful of Ewoks” below.

This is a pretty fun, yet simple, way to waste some time, so I definitely recommend trying it. Let us know your results in the comments below. The game was created by Ben Johnson and Joe Kowalski.

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