Viral Video Round-Up: Mark Wahlberg is Iron Man, Cosplay Fails, Pulp Fiction’s Alternate Realities And More!

Zach_Banner-page-001The Internet is full of videos related to movies and television, whether they be fan made, studio made, or somewhere in between. We regularly bring you the best, most interesting, or just plain weirdest. In this week’s edition: Mark Wahlberg writes and directs Iron Man; Don’t you wish you could just see some mainstream cosplay at Comic-Con? Pulp Fiction is just a bunch of alternate realities; Tom Hiddleston teaches Cookie Monsters about delayed gratification.

Pulp Fiction’s Two Parallel Timelines: A Conspiracy Theory by Cracked

Iron Man: A Film by Mark Wahlberg by OfficialComedy

Honest Trailers – Star Trek Into Darkness (feat. HISHE) by Screen Junkies

Cookie Monster Learns a Lesson from Tom Hiddleston by PBS

The Fox by Ylvis

If you see any great viral videos out there while you’re surfing the nets and think they’d be a great fit for Viral Video Round Up, send me the link via Twitter or email me at!

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