Justin Bieber Attacked By “That Awkward Moment” Twitter Account

That Awkward Moment starring Miles Teller Michael B. Jordan and Zac Efron

Twitter is easily the best way to send out a 140 character mirco-blog that can quickly go viral. As seen on Marvel vs. Star Wars Twitter battle, it is also one of the places to get into a heated argument. Okay, maybe the Marvel and Star Wars Twitter feud was more fun than heated, but it quickly went viral. But most celebs who use twitter for less than humorous means, the one social media platform is used to get their point across to slam someone they don’t like. This can also quickly go viral.

Now the Twitter account for Tom Gormican‘s That Awkward Moment, starring Zac Efron, Michael B. Jordan, and Miles Teller, has been taking shots at pop star Justin Bieber. Hit the jump to see what they said about the singer.

As some of you may know Justin Bieber’s recent troubles have landed him in jail in two different countries already. Here in the states he has been arrested for a DUI in Miami Beach, and an assault charge in his home country of Canada. While he turned himself in for the latter, here in America, people have been calling for him to be deported. Various petitions have been launched, all of which have successfully met their signature goals.

But here is the tweet from the official That Awkward Moment account that you may have missed Wednesday night:

That Awkward Moment opens in theaters on January 31.

Source: THR

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