Watch Vin Diesel Say “I Am Groot” In Five Different Languages

groot guardians of the galaxy image

Groot (voiced by Vin Diesel) is a tree alien humanoid who only says “I am Groot.” As a alien of few words, it be interesting to see or hear what it’s like to speak those three words in different languages. Well before the US release of Guardians of the Galaxy, Marvel Studios has released a video of Diesel dubbing those three words (exclusively in that order of course) in five different languages: Spanish, Portuguese, Mandarin Chinese, French and Russian. The dubbing, intended to uniquely customize the moviegoing experience for international audiences, took place recently in Los Angeles during post-production in collaboration with key marketing teams around the globe. Hit the jump to watch him voice Groot on a global scale.

The videos are actually just international TV spots for the respective countries, and all of them show Diesel saying “I am Groot,” around the 25 second mark. Check them all out below.





While Diesel saying I Am Groot in Mandarin isn’t available on YouTube yet, he has released a video of himself saying it in that language on Instagram, which you can check out below.

Be sure to check out our interview with Vin Diesel as well as the rest of the cast and crew of Guardians of the Galaxy here.

Directed by James Gunn, Guardians of the Galaxy opens in theaters on August 1.

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