Viral Video: “Let’s Be Cops” Viral Marketing Handing Out Social Media Citations

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We spend a lot of hours on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, posting photos, liking status, and retweeting things. But sometimes we come across stupid posts, and ask ourselves, why isn’t there a “dislike” button, or “I hate this” button. While Facebook or any of the other social media platforms won’t give us what we won’t, the people over at 20th Century Fox is making the “dislike” option a little easier by offering us “Let’s Be Cops” social media citations.

It’s exactly what it sounds like. You can hand out social media citations to things you you don’t like or deem stupid. Hit the jump to see what kind of citations you can hand out, plus a hilarious viral video that will help you figure out when to hand these citations out.

Here’s the video:

Here’s the official press release complete with a full list of citations:

Are you sick of seeing friends post on social media that they went to the gym AGAIN? How about that coworker who ALWAYS shares his location? We have a simple solution: SOCIAL CITATIONS, courtesy of 20th Century Fox and their upcoming cop comedy, LET’S BE COPS!

Now YOU can hand out the below social citations on Facebook to your friends HERE:

Check out the complete list below:
Unnecessary Weather Post
Excessive Partying
Too Much Information
Just Google It
Outright Brag
Excessive PDA
Nonsensical Inspirational Quote
Passive Aggressive Rant
Fitness Brag
Unnecessary Posting
Sports Commentating
Unnecessary Complaint
Horrible Spelling
Excessive Location Sharing

Channel your inner COP and give a social citation in just TWO simple steps:
1. Select the infraction
2. Copy and paste it in the comment section of your friend’s post

Let’s Be Cops
opens in theaters tomorrow. THe film stars Jake Johnson and Damon Wayans Jr.

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