‘Taken 3’s Liam Neeson Wants To Endorse Your “Particular Set Of Skills” On Linkedin

taken 3 trailer image

Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram are all forms of social media that cater to the entertaining side of the virtual community. You can also use it to enhance your business. But for more professional uses, there’s Linkedin. Now to help promote the upcoming release of Taken 3, Fox is teaming up with Linkedin, for a contest where the winner gets their skills to be endorsed by none other then the man with all kinds of skills: Liam Neeson. Hit the jump for more.

As we’ve learned, resumes just don’t cut it anymore. Some organizations do stick to tradition, but if you want to stand out, then this is your kind of contest. Of course, that all depends on the job you are looking for, and some might frown that applicant is not taking things seriously.

You’ll have to head on over to to enter the contest, which ends on December 23. A winner will be announced on January 4. The winner will receive a video of Liam Neeson endorsing your skills, which then can be put on their Linkedin profile.

Good luck – get it?

Taken 3 opens in theaters on January 9.

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