Fan-Made War Machine Suit Part 2 Corey, March 10, 2010March 10, 2010 Back in January, I was on the SuperHeroHype Iron Man 2 boards when a user called “Masterle247” debuted his first attempt at the War Machine suit featured in the upcoming Marvel Studios movie Iron Man 2. This suit grabbed the attention of Iron Man and Iron Man 2 director Jon Favreau via Twitter, who then retweeted the suit to his followers. Well, Masterle247 is back and this time he’s bringing a screen-accurate version of War Machine with a working (though fake) mini-gun and everything! Read and see more of it after the jump! His YouTube Page is full of videos, like the one you can see below. I love fan created content and this is a VERY unique word-of-mouth style of viral for the movie, because once someone sees this movie, they instantly get excited about the suit, and it’s basically free press. Iron Man 2 opens May 7th. Viral Marketing Fan MadeIron Man 2War Machine
Viral Video: T.J. Miller Auditions for Yogi Bear April 3, 2010Although we’ve known about the Yogi Bear live action movie since 2008, this week we got our first images of what the CGI lead bears might look like. But what if the Warner Bros. film used real bears? Cloverfield’s T.J. Miller has a comical audition tape, originally posted last October,… Read More
DJ Steve Porter Remixes NBC’s Community Again September 14, 2010Last fall, DJ Steve Porter did a music video remix using clips from NBC’s Community. The Internet sensation (and ESPN SportsNation favorite) is back at it again, this time in what seems to be an official manner. Porter’s latest video is to promote the Season 1 DVD release of Community,… Read More
Sabre Corp. Updates Site Following Latest Office Episode February 5, 2010February 5, 2010A new era on The Office began last night. The Scranton, PA crew got their first dose of their new bosses, printer company Sabre Corp. Just as Michael Scott and the rest of the office seem to be adjusting to their new surroundings, fans of the show can also evaluate… Read More
to the wanna be tony stark, funny how you call me asshole when you don’t know me. Don’t hate someone because they have talent, just appreciate art work, like i do. Just because someone doesn’t tell you how they made it makes them an asshole. I know there people better than me and i appreciate them for there hard work. so chill out.
Holy Moly Ironman, that is talent right there! Dedication, Talent and just a whole lot of kick ass-ness. To the guy who created that piece of art work, you sir… are a god! Congrats! It’s ok to be jealous peeps, shoot, all I know how to make is bird houses with a glue gun!