Tron Legacy Soundtrack Release Date Announced Dan Koelsch, September 27, 2010 Finally, after much speculation, the official release date has been announced for the soundtrack to Tron Legacy. For those who don’t know why it’s so anticipated, the entire film was scored by Daft Punk. You can pick up your copy of the soundtrack on November 22nd, and there are a few other new details as well. The official site for the Daft Punk soundtrack (which has a kick-ass track playing in the background) lets you pre-order either a digital copy for $9.99, or a CD version that includes an exclusive Daft Punk film poster and a “new track” for $39.98. It’s not clear whether this track is related to the film or just something new from Daft Punk. The binary code that teases a timetable for revealing the new track translates to “soon”, so that’s no help.. That poster sounds awesome, but what does it look like? It appears we’ll find out at 9pm Pacific Time on October 9th, as the site’s countdown implies. The blinking specks in the poster’s space could be filling in the image, so maybe we’ll see more of it as time goes on. Check out the site and see if you can find any other easter eggs. Below is the official album cover for the Tron Legacy Soundtrack by Daft Punk, to be released by Disney Records. Viral Marketing Daft PunkSoundtrackTron Legacy
Featured App: “The Devil Inside” for iPhone, iPod, And iPad December 28, 2011July 29, 2012There are far more ways to experience a film beyond the theaters. Apps for your smart phone or tablet are the newest form, and that’s where I come in. My job is to weed out the bad and send through the good. Today’s featured app is “The Devil Inside” for… Read More
Check Out Scott Pilgrim’s Arcade-Style Interactive Trailer August 5, 2010We’ve covered a few interactive trailers here at MovieViral, and I find them to be really impressive when done right. They are like the Blu-Ray version of trailers, as they let you get into the movie and sometimes learn more about the plot and characters. Scott Pilgrim vs. The World… Read More
Win Tickets To “Avengers: Age Of Ultron” Premiere By Playing S.H.I.E.L.D. vs. Hydra Game August 18, 2014To promote the DVD release of Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Walt Disney and Marvel are offering a chance to win tickets to the premiere of Avengers: Age Of Ultron. With Age Of Ultron wrapping production, and the May 1st, 2105 release date approaching quickly – we’re bound to see… Read More