This Week In Viral – Nothing Big…Yet Dan Koelsch, February 22, 2009July 18, 2010 It’s been a relatively quiet week in viral campaigns, with just a few small updates to 2012, Angels & Demons, Terminator, and Watchmen. 2012 – The viral site has yet another Charlie Frost video, this time talking about an underground seed bank. Here’s the video: More viral news after the jump. Angels & Demons – I’m actually not sure when this was added, but I just noticed today that the viral site now has a place in the bottom left-hand corner in which to submit a code. Let us know if you figure out that code. Watchmen – The New Frontiersman YouTube account has a special on the Watchmen from the Veidt Music Network. Here’s the video: Terminator Salvation – While talks of Linda Hamilton possibly doing a voiceover circulate the web, Skynet Research is mailing out the Enhancement Module 101 it promises on the site. See the Slashfilm article that includes an unboxing video. Viral Marketing 2012Angels & DemonsTerminator SalvationThis Week In ViralWatchmen
Salt: Day X Exists Game Is Now Live May 17, 2010May 17, 2010Last month we told you about the Day X Exists website for the action spy movie Salt starring Angelina Jolie. Now the game within the site has officially launched, and you have a chance to do what every guy dreams: catch Angelina Jolie. Check out the details after the break. Read More
James Cameron Interviewed Underwater for “Sanctum” February 5, 2011With the underwater cave thriller Sanctum getting mixed reviews at best on its opening weekend (including our own), it’s no surprise that Universal Pictures and producer James Cameron are trying crazy promotional stunts to get people excited for the film. That apparently includes having Cameron get interviewed while in a… Read More
Viral Trends: Republic Project Wants To Change The Way Marketing Campaigns Update Content September 12, 2012This is the first in a new feature that we will cover for the site called Viral Trends. Our hope is to highlight some of the latest trends in online advertising and marketing currently happening outside our entertainment niche and explain how the industries and properties we cover might benefit… Read More