This Week In Viral: Terminator Viral Ends? Dan Koelsch, May 25, 2009April 30, 2010 Terminator Salvation opened this weekend, and thus another viral ends. Or does it? One of the challenges of covering viral campaigns is knowing when they really end. Usually it’s the weekend, if not the day, the movie opens in theaters. However, even if the main viral campaign ends, tidbits of it may linger for months (see: Cloverfield), usually in anticipation of the DVD release or even a sequel. Also, the websites created for these campaigns seem to last far beyond the movie’s opening, so anything’s possible. The Terminator viral fits the bill for a viral that ends but leaves enough openings for more updates in the future. The group from seem to think they’ve won a major battle against Skynet, but it mirrors an ominous plot-point from the film itself. Also, the Skynet webpage is stuck on the “…RECALCULATING…” message, so who knows what could happen next? However, as of the writing of this article, there have been no updates for about 4 days. So, looks like we can close the book on the Terminator Salvation Viral Campaign…for now. For more viral news from this week, check out our latest articles: Transformers 2 Viral Begins First Surrogates Trailer Hits That’s it for this week’s TWIV. As always, our staff can only cover a fraction of the news, so to keep up-to-date, go to our Official Forum. Keep searching for viral, you never know where you’ll catch it. Viral Marketing Resist or Be TerminatedSkynetSurrogatesTerminator SalvationTransformers
Captain America Comes To Disneyland For A Meet And Greet January 11, 2014Briefly: Just like Iron Man 3‘s “Iron Man Tech Presented by Stark Industries” and Thor: The Dark World‘s “Thor: Treasures of Asgard” attractions, Marvel Studios will continue to market Phase 2 of the Marvel Cinematic Universe at the Disneyland Park in Anaheim by giving fans a chance to meet Captain… Read More
District 9 – The Back Story August 10, 2009August 10, has a great article up in regards to how the aliens came to be. The video is great, but this is the interesting part: Who are the humanly named “prawn” aliens of District 9, and where did they come from? Director Neill Blomkamp reveals all to us about these beings, their… Read More
The Muppets Teams With Toyota To Take Terry Crewes On A Joyride During Super Bowl Sunday January 22, 2014January 22, 2014The Muppest Most Wanted viral marketing campaign has gone from mocking the internet to being insulted for not being nominated for any awards. But we may never what studios may have in store for us on Super Bowl Sunday. It has been confirmed that four studios bought air time to… Read More