Update: District 9 Community Watch Nick Butler, June 20, 2009June 20, 2009 The page reads “Non Human Sightings in North America” and it consists of over 8 regions within which people are placing their calls claiming to have spotted Non-Humans. The website, like every other website developed for this viral, is very well designed. Check it out here.Personally, I love all the things they’ve been doing with the ARG side of the viral since June. But, with all the links to the other websites and just lack of updates for however many months, it’s hard to get back into. If you haven’t yet, check out the articles we posted a few days ago- Why can’t Sony do anything right and Why Sony has done everything right for two different takes on Sony’s use of viral marketing.Thanks to andyboy35 from the forum for spotting this!Follow Nick Butler on Twitter! Viral Marketing District 9
Hollywood’s Sons of Anarchy Infrographic January 18, 2013We have a little something to tide fans over while they wait for FX’s hit biker show Sons of Anarchy to return for a sixth season this Fall. After the break, check out Hollywood’s Biggest Biker Badass infographic courtesy of BikeBandit.com. Read More
Apollo 18 Document #4 Shows Rocket Ready For Launch? January 7, 2011January 9, 2011NASA has a major leak on their hands, as we now have the 3rd Top Secret document in a week on the Apollo 18 mission, and the 4th overall since mid-December. After the last document explained what would be needed to prepare for a launch, this new one shows that… Read More
Two New NBC Late Night Viral Sites October 1, 2009October 1, 2009It looks like NBC has decided to get in the game of viral! And we say, the more the merrier. NBC has notified us of two new sites that are hitting the net. The first site came about on a skit entitled “Before Photoshop” during an airing of The Tonight… Read More