D-9.com Viral Updates – Videos and Target Dan Koelsch, June 29, 2009June 30, 2009 D-9.com has two new interview videos up with more of the local human population in District 9. Just click on the two yellow dots on the map to access the video. One begins with the title card “DO YOU HAVE A PROBLEM WITH THE WAY NON-HUMANS COMMUNICATE”. In it, three clips of three different human locals talk about the difficulties in communicating with the non humans. The second has the title card “DO YOU THINK THE NON-HUMANS ARE COMMITTING TOO MANY CRIMES”. Similar to the other video, three clips of interviews show people talking about how the non-humans commit crimes, including one confirming the non-humans do not have fingerprints. Interesting stuff. There were two things I noticed specifically after watching these videos. One is, these (and other) interviews look incredibly authentic. Second, no one in the videos ever uses the term “non-human” or “aliens” or anything like that. It’s always “Them” and “They”. Not sure why that is, but I have a rather abstract theory that ties my two observations together. My theory is that these are genuine interviews, but they are about something else. The filmmakers actually interviewed locals in South Africa, but they weren’t talking about the movie, they were talking about real events. Why? To make the interviews authentic. Maybe locals wouldn’t talk about an alien movie, but real issues, sure. Who knows. Our other District 9 update comes from Christopher the non-human at mnuspreadslies.com. When you go onto D-9.com as a human and type in “target” in the access code, you get a printable version of the non-human target seen on the film’s posters. Click on the image below to download the target in PDF format. Remember to let us know if you find any District 9 viral updates. There’s a lot out there, so we need your help. The film opens August 14th. Viral Marketing District 9
Viral Marketing Viral Halloween Recap: Legendary And YouTube’s House Of Horrors Celebrates Genre On The Web November 3, 2014November 3, 2014Legendary and Guillermo Del Toro’s collaboration with Youtube culminated with a Halloween party to celebrate the programming created from the horror shorts submitted to the House of Horrors competition. Creators, attendees were able to tour the Crimson Peak sets that were used in the films produced from the horror initiative… Read More
Seven Psychopaths: Help Charlie Find His Shih Tzu September 23, 2012Seven Psychopaths is a comedy action film from CBS Films with an odd, yet strangely alluring, premise. Christopher Walken and Sam Rockwell are dog thieves who unwittingly steal a dog from Charlie Costello, an unpredictable gangster. After the break, find out how Costello has gone public with his efforts to… Read More
“Jackass” Guys Spoof “Inception” For Critics’ Choice Movie Awards January 13, 2011Johnny Knoxville and the rest of the Jackass gang are making parody videos for all the Best Picture nominees at this year’s Critics’ Choice Movie Awards, which airs tomorrow night on VH1. First up is their spoof of Inception, which I have to say falls flat for me. Let us… Read More
Well, since this film is inspired by Alive in Joburg and you see how the interviews in that film were conducted to seem like legitimate, business like interviews and those were real people (I think). The officer outside of the meat store mentioned the Peoplweeka or something like that which is name for the aliens… Well that doesn’t mean anything else so Google says… Or maybe these guys just might be damn good actors and actresses.