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Check this out: Viral campaign or real?

A new video on YouTube has millions asking if it’s a viral campaign for a movie or just real, and scary. It’s a video of an “unknown life-form” in a North Carolina sewer. This could go either way. If you haven’t seen it, take a look:

Over 1,000,000 views in less than a day. If it is a viral, it’s good, and it reminds me of the original Quarantine viral video which also started out with 1,000,000 views in one day.

It has taken YouTube and Twitter by surprise, people saying things like

If this isn’t a viral for a horror movie, we should all be very scared.

From my understanding, the original video was actually removed which just adds to the suspicion. We’ll keep you posted.

Posted by Nick Butler, follow him on Twitter. New to the site? Check out the About Us page. Register at the forum, which is located at

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