New TV Spot for District 9 Scott Caldwell, July 21, 2009January 16, 2010 A new TV spot has shown up for District 9, and although it may not look that much different, it SOUNDS different. Take a look, and a listen to the clip below. In this clip, we find out more about the status of the aliens. We knew that they were stuck based on the subtitled trailer (here), but, based on the newscast audio, now we find out it may be due to a disabled ship. Did MNU test something on the ship and break it? I can’t imagine they ran out of gas.We also see that Wikus, our “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood MNU agent”, gets into District 9 where the aliens are being kept. “I did not know they were doing this to you guys” is said by him at one point. But to who? Obvious answer – the aliens. But you never know. Viral Marketing District 9
Watch Interactive Horror Short Film “6:14” October 28, is a new transmedia platform from Fourth Wall Studios that creates interactive stories stretching across online video, phone calls, text messages, email, and social media. Their latest in their Dark Wall horror series is called 6:14, which you can watch here. Watch the trailer and learn more after the… Read More
Piranha 3D Sequel To Let Fans Choose a Celebrity To Get Eaten September 3, 2010Let’s get your first question out of the way. Yes, there will be a Piranha 3D sequel (Piranha 3D2?). Sure, the horror comedy has only made $20 million going into its third weekend in theaters, but that’s almost the film’s production cost, so the Weinstein Company must see potential for… Read More
MTV Movie Award Nominees Include District 9, Paranormal Activity, Sherlock Holmes, Avatar and More May 27, 2010May 27, 2010All those people that demanded Paranormal Activity to be released in theaters are called back into action again: Katie could use your help in winning an MTV Movie Award. As for the District 9 fans, Sharlto could get some help as well for the same award. Find out how to… Read More
Thou detect a subtle rock tune there.Also Wikus actually is talking to the aliens, confirmed by the showest footage:“Anyway, while there the reporter witnesses these creatures being abused by the authorities. He says to one of them something along the lines of “I had no idea this was happening to you” as we see police or army rifle butts striking alien faces. “