New Picture of Wikus from District 9 Ian DeVere, July 22, 2009 Sony Pictures has released a new picture of Wikus (played by Sharlto Copley) from District 9: Initial reactions from the forum seem to be that his ‘weapon’ is an alien spray-type of thing, a flamethrower, or both. Forum member and staff writer Scott points out that the canister on top of the gun is remarkably similar to the canister Wikus sprays himself with in the trailer: However, forum member Ronan adds to his theory that it’s a mix of both alien spray and a flamethrower with his analysis: So what do you think it could be? What are your ideas on the new pic, as well as Wikus’ firearm? Is this something he has customized himself? Is it something provided to him by the aliens somehow? Leave your thoughts in the comments! Stay tuned this week for our Com-Con coverage of District 9, which will open in theaters everywhere on August 14th, 2009. Viral Marketing District 9
12 Days of Viral – DAY TWELVE December 24, 2009December 22, 2009On the twelfth day of viral, my movie gave to me….. Public displays This is it folks. The final piece of MovieViral’s ongoing holiday series. And I saved the best for last. If you want to get people’s attention, then get people to be a part. If we start with… Read More
District 9 Trailer #2 Breakdown (Screencaps) July 9, 2009July 27, 2009Yesterday, Yahoo debuted the second trailer for District 9. The response has been pretty positive, especially on our forum. Take a look at the trailer embedded below, then I’ll breakdown the trailer by focusing on the more interesting screencaps. . The trailer starts off the ominous image of the alien… Read More
“The Purge: Anarchy” Featurette: Frank Grillo Talks Surviving A 12 Hour Crime Spree July 1, 2014July 1, 2014We should all be excited about The Purge: Anarchy for a variety of reasons. One its a sequel to the low budget horror film that grossed $89 million on a $3 million budget. The other, is the fact that there is a nationwide Purge Breakout Fan Experience being carried out…. Read More
That weapon is weird, but look at his left hand. It seems like he had a nasty accident or he is hiding something.