District 9 Interview Videos Scott Caldwell, July 23, 2009January 16, 2010 If you head over to D-9.com, you will see they have loaded up videos of 6 new interviews. However, this time they look to be interviewing people OUTSIDE of Johannesburg, and none of them seem to care for the Non-Humans. I apologize, but I can’t get them to not auto-run. Viral Marketing District 9
Viral Projections For “The Amazing Spider-Man” Lead To Screening Event! January 27, 2012March 21, 2012We’re still about 6 months away from seeing Spider-Man swing back onto the big screen and it has been a while since we were all wowed by that teaser trailer back in July. Now it seems an international viral campaign has begun that will let you see some footage early…. Read More
Funny or Die Introduces Its Hilarious 1986 TV Lineup January 10, 2012January 10, 2012When Adam McKay and Will Ferrell created Funny or Die, no one thought that it would have taken off the way that it did. From a humble video about a drunk landlord baby starring its two creators to Don Cheadle planning as a sociopathic Captain Planet, the comedic website aims… Read More
Rocket Poppeteers Sends Out ‘Fleet Assessment #1’ March 23, 2011The Super 8 ‘Rocket Poppeteers’ viral has been silent for a while. Before the site went down for renovations last month, those who signed up for the Astronaut Training Program were sent certificates showing that they had been accepted into the program. Today, Astronaut Trainees were sent an email about… Read More