District 9 – Guns and Ammo Scott Caldwell, July 23, 2009June 6, 2010 So the other day, Ian had posted an article in regards to a new picture of Agent Wikus (here). Then there was a discussion of the gun he was holding. Well, apparently MNU has ads out for that gun. More after jump! io9.com usually has advertisements throughout their topics, and this one caught my eye. For good reason.Meet the Arc Gun: The Arc Gun—the most recent non-human weaponry discovery by the Multi-National United—is one bad-ass piece.It fires a huge charge of electricity to its target, kind of like a bolt of lightening, heating the target enough to cause extreme burns and rapid molecular expansion of gas and fluid. In a soft biological or animal target, an Arc Gun strike can result in a catastrophic explosion. But even a near miss can cause superficial burns and keep an enemy subdued, and bolts landing in the vicinity of a target can cause some area damage as electric current disperses into all nearby conducting bodies.So with the Arc Gun, the non-humans in District 9 hold the power of lightning in their tentacles. Although most of the known Arc Guns have been confiscated by the MNU to help keep us humans safe, they are one of several non-human weapons floating around the black market…which is basically the scariest thing we’ve heard in a while. Let’s just hope the MNU gets them all.followed by this amazing picture of said weaponSo, this is the electric gun that has been all over the news reports. And, both myself, and forum member Ronan, were wrong. Which, happens a lot.Want to see a full size pic of the gun and all it’s illegal sexiness?It’s in the forum, waiting for you! Viral Marketing District 9
“The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo” Viral Leaks Footage and New Site October 20, 2011October 20, 2011The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo has some very exciting new viral activity and it requires some sharp eyes or knowledge of the source material. For those who are unfamiliar with the story disgraced publisher Steig Larsson (Daniel Craig) has been hired by Henrik Vanger, the former CEO of Vanger… Read More
Don’t Just Watch TV, Interact with TV! NBC Goes “Live”! April 17, 2011April 18, 2011Last month, NBC began testing a new feature that would allow viewers to interact with other viewers during the shows they were watching. You could play trivia games, vote in polls and more during a live broadcast of The Office, The Celebrity Apprentice or The Biggest Loser. NBC has officially… Read More
Viral Update: Disturbing Anonymous Viral Video Leads To More Videos and Speculation March 3, 2010March 5, 2010You may remember back in December when we showed you a really odd video that we thought might be part of a promotion for the band Animal Collective or even Nine Inch Nails. Well, we have a bit more information on the video, which now is a series of disturbing… Read More
The one in the trailer/tv spot is different.http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g81/caldwell222/scope.jpg