What’s Charlie Frost Been Up To? Dan Koelsch, August 15, 2009August 15, 2009 Charlie Frost has been busy lately, and this week we got a few updates from the blogger on ThisIsTheEnd.com. Frost has a lot to say lately about the Institute for Human Continuity, and this week was no exception. First Charlie comments on the IHC launching their Leader of the Post-2012 World contest, mentioning that he signed up for it himself. I would love to see Charlie Frost be one of the leaders of the post-apocalyptic world. Frost also seems to take a liking to the strategy game. Then Frost posts even more posters for ThisIsTheEnd.com that followers have submitted. Let us know if you see any yourself, since I’m not sure where Sony is posting these. I imagine it’s a similar strategy to their District 9 banners. As of yesterday, it looks like Charlie is heading back to Yellowstone Park (his home) after his “spiritual journey” to Mexico. Now it seems Charlie is actually having trouble with the strategy game. Let us know what you think of the game in the comments below. In the 2012 viral, Charlie Frost is a man who claims to know that the year 2012 will bring great destruction to the world. The IHC is an organization who has proven that hypothesis to be true and are looking to make the best of the situation. Check out our 2012 page for more information. Talk about this and other 2012 updates in our forum. 2012 opens in the US on November 13th, 2009. Viral Marketing 2012
12 Days of Viral – DAY EIGHT December 20, 2009December 20, 2009On the eighth day of viral, my movie gave to me….. Contests and winnings Not too many virals are going this route, but when they do, the response is overwhelming. 2012 in fact had a couple of contests rolled into one campaign. First they had the ambassadors program. A simple… Read More
“The battle of wits has begun” – Princess Bride Wine! February 2, 2012February 2, 2012If there is one thing I love, it’s a good gla….fine, BOTTLE, of wine. I also enjoy movies, movies about wine, and whining about movies. No, this is not my dating profile. Stay with me now. This article has a point, and that is that one of the greatest films… Read More
Scott Pilgrim Facebook Page Needs 100,000 Fans to Premiere New Trailer (Update: Now Live!) May 30, 2010July 10, 2010The folks behind Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World are holding the new trailer for the summer movie hostage until the official Facebook Page gains 100,000 Fans (or “Likes” as Facebook calls it now). So, if you’re a fan of the comic book or are just interested in the new film… Read More
Why does IHC and Charlie Frost have a HORRIBLE graffiti like series of posters covering the side of a building on Seventh Avenue in historic Greenwich Village? So very inappropriate. They should be ashamed!