9: New MySpace Clip Dan Koelsch, August 19, 2009 MySpace has an exclusive clip from the upcoming 9. Check it out below: 9 Exclusive Clip Let us know what you think of the clip in the comments below. 9 opens September 9th (9/9/09). Check our our 9 Page for more information on the film and it’s viral campaign. Viral Marketing 9
Shark Week Takes A Bite Out of YouTube July 31, 2011Briefly: Discovery Channel’s famous Shark Week starts tonight at 9PM, and they have created a YouTube splash page starring comedian Andy Samberg as Chief Shark Officer. After a shark breaks through the page and causes a mess, you can watch clips from this year’s shows with intros from Samberg himself…. Read More
Kevin Smith’s ‘Tusk’ Gets A Medical Marijuana Dispensary Tie-In September 8, 2014January 15, 2023Kevin Smith isn’t one to be afraid to kiss and tell about his use of weed. Most of the time the characters in his films are using it. And now in the wake of Washington and Colorado legalizing weed, plus 23 other states legalizing it for medicinal purposes, Smith has… Read More
Prometheus: Weyland Industries Launches Project Genesis June 8, 2012Ridley Scott’s Alien prequel Prometheus opens in theaters today, so now the viral campaign must come to a close. Weyland Industries has begun Project Genesis to mark a final viral event. Read More