(Finally!) A Viral from a Galaxy Far, Far, Away Alex Gerage, September 6, 2009September 6, 2009 As a huge Star Wars fan, I was thrilled to see an interview pop on Wired.com where writer John Scott Lewinski interviewed a member of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars universe. Not series director Dave Filoni or a member of the voice cast mind you, but one of the characters themselves…bounty hunter Cad Bane! For fans of the animated series, you will remember Bane from the season finale, where he orchestrated an elaborate hostage situation in the Senate Building on Coruscant. The episode established him as total badass, and I’m stoked for his return in season two. The interview itself is fairly short, but Bane does share his thoughts on his line of work, the death of Jango Fett, and his approach to dealing with Jedi. While this certainly isn’t the most comprehensive viral, I love this approach by Lucasfilm to market the upcoming season of The Clone Wars. To me, there’s no richer franchise for a viral than Star Wars, and although I don’t see them putting forth the effort into a full blown viral ARG anytime soon, I will take these web treats when I get them. The Clone Wars resumes October 2nd on Cartoon Network. Viral Marketing Star Wars: The Clone Wars
GKNOVA6: Website Updates, New Codes . . . What Game? April 9, 2010April 10, 2010UPDATE: New discovery – https://movieviral.com/2010/04/09/gknova6-classified-announcement-somd-new-code/ GKNOVA6.com has updated with an all new video which includes a new code. The site was revealed last week after packages were sent to video game websites and fans alike, throwing us into wild speculation. But that was then, so I assume that speculation has… Read More
“The Hunger Games: MockingJay Part 1” Viral Site Profiles District Heroes June 19, 2014June 19, 2014The marketing for The Hunger Games film adaptations have been innovative, interactive, and most importantly have been fun. Between the two major viral websites: The Captiol Pn and Captiol Courture, and the massive fan signings and movie premieres, fans have always had access to being a part of the Hunger… Read More
Guillermo Del Toro Wants You To Scare Him In New Contest From Legendary Pictures and YouTube September 3, 2014September 3, 2014Guillermo del Toro could well be the busiest man in Hollywood — it is rare a day goes by where his name is not attached to an upcoming film or television show. Despite his backlog of projects, the filmmaker has announced that he will preside over a rather cool contest… Read More